Q: How to inspect and replace the serpentine drive belt?
A: At the front of the engine, a single drive belt winds back and forth and is essential for the functioning of several components like the alternator, power steering pump, water pump, and air-conditioning compressor. Regularly check it due to its constructional material as well as its function. Open the hood with engine off and manually inspect both sides of the belt for cracks, fraying, glazing and ply separation. Additionally, examine the depth of grooves on the bottom side of the belt to ensure that they are even. The tensioner assembly which has a tension scale is responsible for maintaining this tension in safe ranges. It is based on recommendations made on mileage timescales. It requires replacement if any damage or wear is noticed. When replacing a belt on 3.1L and 3.8L Engines, turn the tensioner counterclockwise (use breaker bar or box-end wrenches if necessary) to relieve pressure but note how it was routed before removing it so that you do not forget in future. To release tension on 3.4L engines rotate it clockwise. Remove old belt; install new one over pulleys, then release tensioner; remove retaining bolt to take out tensioner from 3.1L and 3/4L engines, then replace it by reversing removal procedures; drain coolant on 3/8L's; remove heater hose adapters; remove drivebelt tensioner assembly; reinstalling is done by following reverse procedure while checking for leaks in coolant system after filling up again before starting an engine.