Q: What is the purpose of the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor on Chevrolet Trailblazer?
A: The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor checks for any variations in the intake manifold pressure due to the change of engine load and speed and translates this information into voltage output. The PCM reads this as a changing voltage signal from closed throttle (high vacuum) to wide open throttle (low vacuum). The PCM uses the MAP sensor to regulate fuel injection and ignition timing. On six-cylinder models, unplug MAP electrical connector. Unplug the MAP sensor electrical connector then squeeze its retainer tabs, remove its retainer, then pull it straight out of the manifold. Squeeze the sensor retainer inward, pull straight up and remove it. On V8 models, detach MAP electrical connector. Remove retaining clips and withdraw MAP sensor from upper intake manifold. Detach clips, remove MAP sensor from upper intake manifold. Replace upper intake manifold MAP sensor seal. Installation is like removal but reversed.