Q: How to remove and install knock sensors in a Chevrolet Impala and Monte Carlo?
A: A pair of knock sensors is set up on either side of the block; they are located at the upper middle region of each block side, just below the exhaust manifolds. For V6 models, lift the front of the vehicle and safely support it on jackstands. While removing the knock sensor from the rear cylinder bank (bank 1) on a 3.9L V6 engine, detach the Catalytic Converter. Unplug the electrical connector housing from the knock sensor. When taking off either of them, remove its electrical connector as well as retaining bolt in case of a V6. Loosen knock sensor attaching nut and take out sensor. The reverse is true for installation; furthermore ensure that you have tightened down your sensor attaching nut for good measure . With reference to V8 models empty cooling system.You should raise front-end of car and secure it using jack stands.Disconnect knock sensor electrical plug.On a V8 engine, if you would like to remove a knock sensor first unplug its electrical connector then unscrew retaining bolt.Remove knock sensing unit retentive boll and withdraw sensing unit.Remember to tighten bolt after installing this kind of component.Pour coolant into system again.