Q: How can I check the condition of the balljoint for Chevrolet Impala,Monte Carlo?
A: To examine the condition of the balljoint, first raise the front part of the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands. Apply the parking brake and put blocks at the rear wheels to prevent rolling. After that, make use of a prybar to check if there is increased movement between a balljoint and its Steering Knuckle. Moreover, let an assistant move inward and outwardly top of the tire while checking if there is any movement when testing at a stud nut. If this excessive movement occurs, then it means that the ball joint is going bad. Marking position of Control Arm would be a good point to start for replacing ball-joint. Then remove wheel, cotter pin and castle nut to separate ball-joint from steering knuckle. Next, take off control arm from subframe . While fixing drill out rivets used to attach old ball-joint clean up control arm and insert new one using provided fasteners . The torque for tightening these bolts should be adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's instructions . At last reattach control arm into sub-frame and secure ball stud into steering knuckle with new cotter pin applied here since old bent one must have been quite uncomfortable if not absent.