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Chevrolet 10241691 Camshaft,Engine

1996-2002 Chevrolet

Customer Questions & Expert Answers (21)
GM 10241691 Camshaft,Engine
  • Part Description
    CAMSHAFT, Engine
  • Manufacturer
    General Motors
Make sure this part fits
$313.52 MSRP: $495.54
You Save: $182.02 (37%)
Ships in 1-3 Business Days
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  • Product Specifications

    BrandGenuine Chevrolet
    Manufacturer Part Number10241691
    Part DescriptionCAMSHAFT, Engine
    Other NamesCamshaft
    Item Dimensions28.6 x 3.3 x 3.4 inches
    Item Weight8.60 Pounds
    Fitment TypeDirect Replacement
    ManufacturerGeneral Motors
    WarrantyThis genuine GM part is guaranteed by GM's factory warranty.
    Shipping & ReturnShipping Policy Return Policy
    Warning: California's Proposition 65
  • Vehicle Fitment

    Year Make Model Engine Important vehicle option details
    1996-2002 Chevrolet Astro6 Cyl 4.3LVAN ASTRO
    1996-2002 Chevrolet Blazer6 Cyl 4.3L2 DOOR, 4 DOOR
    1996-2002 Chevrolet S106 Cyl 4.3LCREW CAB, PICKUP, PICKUP EXTENDED CAB
    1996-1998 Chevrolet TahoeCLASSIC 2 DOOR 1/2 TON, CLASSIC 4 DOOR 1/2 TON
  • Customer Questions & Expert Answers

    I am wonder if this is complete and correct part for my vehicle. Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    You can Select Your Vehicle to check if 10241691 fits your vehicle.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How do you remove and reinstall Camshaft Bearing,Camshaft and Lash Adjuster in V6 engine on Chevrolet Astro? Posted by Customer
    To measure camshaft lobe lift the first step is to remove the rocker arm covers to enable checking the number one piston at TDC on the compression stroke to determine wear. Slacken the rocker arm nuts on the number one cylinder valves and rotate the rocker arms to their highest position and fit a dial gauge pointer to the first push rod plunger so that it will bear on the top of the push rod at right angles to the centre line of the cylinder. Zero the dial indicator and slowly turn the crankshaft until the indicator needle stops and turns the other way, this is the maximum cam lobe lift. Note this down and set the piston back at TDC and do the same check to the other valves but should make sure that each piston should be at TDC on the side of the cylinder that you are about to check. This calls for inspection of lobes whereby their lift is checked against the camshaft specifications; if the lobe lift is below this value then the camshaft has worn and thus requires replacement. For removal - destroy the intake manifold with rocker arms with push rods and timing chain as well as the sprocket of the camshaft together with the crudities like the fan shrouds, water pump, radiator, and A/C condenser. They can be removed by use of a tool or a magnet if small; do not use pliers except when replacing the Lash Adjusters. Some of the roller Lash Adjusters require removal of the retainer and restrictors before withdrawal can be made. Provide a small box where you will store all your Lash Adjusters to ensure that they retain their positions for reuse. If the engine has a balancer shaft the drive gear is removed from the camshaft. Again observe the direction of the camshaft retainer before you unscrew it and, using bolts which are fitted into the camshaft sprocket bolt holes, pull out the camshaft from the block carefully without damaging the bearings. Generally, different camshaft bearing demand unique sort of tools in their replacement and it is highly advisable to undertake this process at the automotive machine shop. For installation, it is required that before installing the camshaft, the camshaft bearing journals and lobes must be lubricated, to later slide the camshaft into the engine, it has to be rotated until the dowel pin is at the 3 o'clock position while being supported. Place back the camshaft retainer in place and tighten the bolts that are holding it, then put in the balancer shaft drive gear such that the marks touch perfectly. If the timing chain has been replaced, or if any of the sprockets have been removed, put the new or cleaned and refurbished timing chains and sprockets in the engine compartment. If the Lash Adjusters have been removed for cleaning, lubricate them with fresh engine oil and put them back in their original positions if possible. As with any other assembly work, complete the remaining steps in the reverse order, and prior to starting the engine turn it over by hand to prepare for the installing a new oil and new oil filter.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install the Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on 2.2L four cylinder engine on Chevrolet Blazer? Posted by Customer
    Before taking out the camshaft, measure the lobe lift to ascertain the extent of cam lobe wear. Put number one piston at TDC on compression stroke. Then open the rocker arm nuts by loosening up the valve cover to access pushrods. A dial indicator should be set up on the engine and a plunger placed against the top of the first pushrod. Zeroing will then follow and this can be done by turning crankshaft slowly in the normal direction of rotation until it reaches its maximum lobe lift position which shows that it has fully opened. Note down this measurement and repeat for other valves. If cam lobes have been worn down below specified limits, mount a new camshaft. To test for noisy lash adjuster, use a mechanic's stethoscope or a length of hose near each valve while listening for excessive clearance in valvetrain. Any defective lash adjuster is identified through noise produced. This requires removing cylinder head to remove lash adjusters. The removal tool used may either be magnet or scribe but lash adjuster guides help in separating them from the cylinder head. These are then washed and checked whether they have score marks, uneven wear and scuffing too. In addition, inspect rollers for damage or wear and replace them if necessary. To pull out a camshaft one should remove front cover with timing chains as well as sprockets on them; there will also need removal bolts together with oil pump drive as well as thrust plate of camshaft before you carefully withdraw it from block after which bearing journals are cleaned and examined for any destructions; size of bearing journals and camshaft lobes measured where obvious inspection of lobes revealing discoloration, score marks, chipped areas pitting, deformation etcetera indicates that they can no longer serve while some other good conditions along with correct measurements will allow further utilization thus lubricating these components such as bearing journal alongside their respective lobes through assembly lube should be done in a way that it easily slides into the engine after which thrust plate is put back with its bolts tightened while oil pump drive is reinstalled thus where lash adjusters are still intact, they may be reinstalled at their original locations and then coated using assembly lube. On the other hand, lash adjuster bores are also lubricated by engine oil prior to installing them whereby; pushrods as well as pushrod guides should be positioned while rocker arms together with rocker arm retaining nuts are tightened.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on 4.3L V6 engine on Chevrolet Blazer? Posted by Customer
    Rocker arms can be pivoted away from the pushrods by removing the valve covers and loosening the rocker arm nuts before removal to measure camshaft lobe lift. The plunger on a dial indicator is to be positioned directly above the first pushrod, which is mounted on the engine. Disconnect the engine's electrical connectors from the distributor. Rotate the engine very slowly until it comes to rest with this pushrod sitting against its lowest point (base circle of camshaft lobe) then zero dial readout. As an effect of rotating crankshaft in normal direction indicator needle reaches its highest peak and starts reversing showing maximum cam lobe lift. Write this down and make check for all lobes comparing results obtained. If cam lobe lift is 0.003 inches less than specified, there will be a need for new camshaft installation since there has been a wear out of cam lobe. Also, remove fan shrouds, fan, radiator and condenser if applicable. Carefully remove them while properly labeling and storing before lifting off Lash Adjuster retainer. One must always be careful never to try to extract a camshaft with the Lash Adjusters left inside. Lash Adjuster removal from bores can also take different directions depending on what one wants to do next or how many Lash Adjusters are being replaced at once or maybe whether one has no other option but replace all of them because they are so bad that individual replacement would not solve anything here otherwise there could be no further discussion where others may simply call for removal with every other thing remaining intact Some other methods may include using tongs or pliers etc., By holding onto this chain while forcing it outwards (meaning our efforts are aimed at removing without damaging crankcase bearings which are located near bottom part). At this juncture, note carefully how two torx screws have been used here as well as appropriate directionality provided by manufacturer themselves. Three 6-inch long, 5/16-18 bolts can be threaded into the camshaft sprocket bolt holes to serve as handles when pulling on the camshaft, thus preventing any possible damage to bearings straight out. During an examination, there are several features that indicate damage in form of wear of cam lobes and bearing journals. Obtain a micrometer and take measurements of each cam journal's diameter and also determine height of every cam lobe using these results compared against appropriate tolerances. Should any journal have a diameter less than what it ought to be, then replace the particular camshaft. The procedure for changing these bearings is normally outsourced to automotive machine shops due to difficulties involved since they use specific tools and are manned by experts in this field. Once again, lubricate both camshaft bearing journals along with the cams lobes utilizing assembly lube meant for these parts, then gently slide it into block without damaging those sensitive lower ends of crankcase bearings near mounting points near crankcase face. As soon as position (dowel pin) after pivoting cylinder head in clockwise direction has been reached (that means 3 o'clock), lock it through tightening the thrust plate. By aligning dowel pins also confirming position of balancer shaft timing marks install balance shaft drive gear accordingly. Next, install the timing chain and gears in their right place using clean engine oil on Lash Adjusters when returning them into their respective bores because old Lash Adjusters may be reused if one is not installing new cams together with new Lash Adjusters too as was mentioned above or which case always follows after changing some worn out stock ones Finally, do everything else you did back but change oil before starting engine and put another filter.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install Camshaft Bearing,Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on Chevrolet C1500? Posted by Customer
    Before removing the camshaft, test the lobe lift to verify how much wear has occurred on the cam lobes. First, set number one piston at TDC on compression stroke. Then loosen rocker arm nuts and pivot the arms sideways. Thereafter fit a dial indicator over the engine, and set its stem touching top of first pushrod. Zero 0 Dial Indicator as well as slowly rotate crankshaft in normal direction until needle of indicator stops and begins to move in opposite way. Record this reading then replicate for every other valve. Where the maximum value of cam lobe lift is below that specified, install a new camshaft. Take off the intake manifold, rocker arms, push rods, timing chain and cam sprocket from the head prior to removing it from cylinder block; unfasten balancer shaft drive and driven gears if any; draw out camshaft very cautiously holding it at near block area; after removal look up bearing journals if they were worn out or damaged; inspect with micrometer bearing surfaces for increased clearances or ovality conditions; also review cams for discoloration as well as scoring marks being present; wash out lash adjusters and verify them under light projections or even examining several pittings or variable wear patterns; take off old gear roller followers too when replacing lobes including wipers along with it only; check rollers on roller type Lash Adjusters for wear/scoring/any damage that might be noticed therefrom/moly based grease/lube oil between lobes besides journals/insert nozzle into a hole (where not abraded), which must be careful at all costs not to scrape groove bearings. Next Lubricate all journals both lateral zones plus lopes with molly base greases or assembly compounds intended strictly for engines respectively: insert executive's element without scratching related beds but before enjoying harmonic aspect together by looking whether matching bones actually are still available plus need refitting them again: finally, oil changes should chiefly concern replacement of filters too then engine run on.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to inspect, remove and install lifters,Camshaft Bearing and Camshaft in 4.3L V6 and 5.0L,5.7L,7.4L V8 engine on Chevrolet Express? Posted by Customer
    The camshaft should always be checked well for any signs of damage before it is fitted and the end play must, however, be checked before the removal of the camshaft. To discern cam lobe wear look at the lobe lift before pulling the camshaft out; remove the valve covers first and be sure that the number one piston is at top dead center on the compression stroke. Remove the lock nut underneath the rocker arm and turn the rocker arm to the side to allow the use of the dial indicator which is fixed on the engine with the plunger on top of the first push rod. Rotate the crankshaft until the pointer of the dial indicator touches zero and then rotate the crankshaft slowly until the needle of the dial indicator withdraws reversing its direction and gets the maximum cam lobe lift. Do this for each valve and be sure that each piston is at the top dead center on the compression stroke. If the lobe lift is low compared to the specified values, the car requires a new camshaft to be fitted. On versions up to 2014, separate the intake manifold, rocker arms, pushrods, timing chain, and camshaft sprocket, and then use the right tools to get the Lash Adjusters out and place them in the boxes that show their position for reinstallment. Camshaft and bearings should be checked for signs of wear, pitting, and any other sign of damage while checking the bearing journals with a micrometer. Remove and inspect conventional Lash Adjusters for wear, they should be slightly crowned; if any are depressed or badly worn, replace them with new Lash Adjusters and camshaft. Regarding roller Lash Adjusters, they should be checked for the ability to rotate smoothly to the surface of the cylinder bore and for excessive wear. Lubricate the camshaft and as for the installation; slide the camshaft into the engine and rotate it until the dowel pin is in the correct place. On 2018 and later models, before removing the camshaft and Lash Adjusters, the air conditioning system must be discharged and the fuel pressure reduced, the cooling system must be drained, and some components must be unbolted. Make sure that oil is put on the camshaft and Lash Adjusters when installing, align and snug torque the camshaft and Lash Adjusters and then bolt the rest in a reversal of the removal process. One must ensure the cooling system is full, the oil is new and must have changed the oil filter before starting the engine.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install Camshaft Bearing,Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on Chevrolet K1500? Posted by Customer
    Before removing the camshaft, test the lobe lift to verify how much wear has occurred on the cam lobes. First, set number one piston at TDC on compression stroke. Then loosen rocker arm nuts and pivot the arms sideways. Thereafter fit a dial indicator over the engine, and set its stem touching top of first pushrod. Zero 0 Dial Indicator as well as slowly rotate crankshaft in normal direction until needle of indicator stops and begins to move in opposite way. Record this reading then replicate for every other valve. Where the maximum value of cam lobe lift is below that specified, install a new camshaft. Take off the intake manifold, rocker arms, push rods, timing chain and cam sprocket from the head prior to removing it from cylinder block; unfasten balancer shaft drive and driven gears if any; draw out camshaft very cautiously holding it at near block area; after removal look up bearing journals if they were worn out or damaged; inspect with micrometer bearing surfaces for increased clearances or ovality conditions; also review cams for discoloration as well as scoring marks being present; wash out lash adjusters and verify them under light projections or even examining several pittings or variable wear patterns; take off old gear roller followers too when replacing lobes including wipers along with it only; check rollers on roller type Lash Adjusters for wear/scoring/any damage that might be noticed therefrom/moly based grease/lube oil between lobes besides journals/insert nozzle into a hole (where not abraded), which must be careful at all costs not to scrape groove bearings. Next Lubricate all journals both lateral zones plus lopes with molly base greases or assembly compounds intended strictly for engines respectively: insert executive's element without scratching related beds but before enjoying harmonic aspect together by looking whether matching bones actually are still available plus need refitting them again: finally, oil changes should chiefly concern replacement of filters too then engine run on.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on 4.3L V6 engine on GMC Sonoma? Posted by Customer
    Rocker arms can be pivoted away from the pushrods by removing the valve covers and loosening the rocker arm nuts before removal to measure camshaft lobe lift. The plunger on a dial indicator is to be positioned directly above the first pushrod, which is mounted on the engine. Disconnect the engine's electrical connectors from the distributor. Rotate the engine very slowly until it comes to rest with this pushrod sitting against its lowest point (base circle of camshaft lobe) then zero dial readout. As an effect of rotating crankshaft in normal direction indicator needle reaches its highest peak and starts reversing showing maximum cam lobe lift. Write this down and make check for all lobes comparing results obtained. If cam lobe lift is 0.003 inches less than specified, there will be a need for new camshaft installation since there has been a wear out of cam lobe. Also, remove fan shrouds, fan, radiator and condenser if applicable. Carefully remove them while properly labeling and storing before lifting off Lash Adjuster retainer. One must always be careful never to try to extract a camshaft with the Lash Adjusters left inside. Lash Adjuster removal from bores can also take different directions depending on what one wants to do next or how many Lash Adjusters are being replaced at once or maybe whether one has no other option but replace all of them because they are so bad that individual replacement would not solve anything here otherwise there could be no further discussion where others may simply call for removal with every other thing remaining intact Some other methods may include using tongs or pliers etc., By holding onto this chain while forcing it outwards (meaning our efforts are aimed at removing without damaging crankcase bearings which are located near bottom part). At this juncture, note carefully how two torx screws have been used here as well as appropriate directionality provided by manufacturer themselves. Three 6-inch long, 5/16-18 bolts can be threaded into the camshaft sprocket bolt holes to serve as handles when pulling on the camshaft, thus preventing any possible damage to bearings straight out. During an examination, there are several features that indicate damage in form of wear of cam lobes and bearing journals. Obtain a micrometer and take measurements of each cam journal's diameter and also determine height of every cam lobe using these results compared against appropriate tolerances. Should any journal have a diameter less than what it ought to be, then replace the particular camshaft. The procedure for changing these bearings is normally outsourced to automotive machine shops due to difficulties involved since they use specific tools and are manned by experts in this field. Once again, lubricate both camshaft bearing journals along with the cams lobes utilizing assembly lube meant for these parts, then gently slide it into block without damaging those sensitive lower ends of crankcase bearings near mounting points near crankcase face. As soon as position (dowel pin) after pivoting cylinder head in clockwise direction has been reached (that means 3 o'clock), lock it through tightening the thrust plate. By aligning dowel pins also confirming position of balancer shaft timing marks install balance shaft drive gear accordingly. Next, install the timing chain and gears in their right place using clean engine oil on Lash Adjusters when returning them into their respective bores because old Lash Adjusters may be reused if one is not installing new cams together with new Lash Adjusters too as was mentioned above or which case always follows after changing some worn out stock ones Finally, do everything else you did back but change oil before starting engine and put another filter.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on 4.3L V6 engine on GMC Jimmy? Posted by Customer
    Rocker arms can be pivoted away from the pushrods by removing the valve covers and loosening the rocker arm nuts before removal to measure camshaft lobe lift. The plunger on a dial indicator is to be positioned directly above the first pushrod, which is mounted on the engine. Disconnect the engine's electrical connectors from the distributor. Rotate the engine very slowly until it comes to rest with this pushrod sitting against its lowest point (base circle of camshaft lobe) then zero dial readout. As an effect of rotating crankshaft in normal direction indicator needle reaches its highest peak and starts reversing showing maximum cam lobe lift. Write this down and make check for all lobes comparing results obtained. If cam lobe lift is 0.003 inches less than specified, there will be a need for new camshaft installation since there has been a wear out of cam lobe. Also, remove fan shrouds, fan, radiator and condenser if applicable. Carefully remove them while properly labeling and storing before lifting off Lash Adjuster retainer. One must always be careful never to try to extract a camshaft with the Lash Adjusters left inside. Lash Adjuster removal from bores can also take different directions depending on what one wants to do next or how many Lash Adjusters are being replaced at once or maybe whether one has no other option but replace all of them because they are so bad that individual replacement would not solve anything here otherwise there could be no further discussion where others may simply call for removal with every other thing remaining intact Some other methods may include using tongs or pliers etc., By holding onto this chain while forcing it outwards (meaning our efforts are aimed at removing without damaging crankcase bearings which are located near bottom part). At this juncture, note carefully how two torx screws have been used here as well as appropriate directionality provided by manufacturer themselves. Three 6-inch long, 5/16-18 bolts can be threaded into the camshaft sprocket bolt holes to serve as handles when pulling on the camshaft, thus preventing any possible damage to bearings straight out. During an examination, there are several features that indicate damage in form of wear of cam lobes and bearing journals. Obtain a micrometer and take measurements of each cam journal's diameter and also determine height of every cam lobe using these results compared against appropriate tolerances. Should any journal have a diameter less than what it ought to be, then replace the particular camshaft. The procedure for changing these bearings is normally outsourced to automotive machine shops due to difficulties involved since they use specific tools and are manned by experts in this field. Once again, lubricate both camshaft bearing journals along with the cams lobes utilizing assembly lube meant for these parts, then gently slide it into block without damaging those sensitive lower ends of crankcase bearings near mounting points near crankcase face. As soon as position (dowel pin) after pivoting cylinder head in clockwise direction has been reached (that means 3 o'clock), lock it through tightening the thrust plate. By aligning dowel pins also confirming position of balancer shaft timing marks install balance shaft drive gear accordingly. Next, install the timing chain and gears in their right place using clean engine oil on Lash Adjusters when returning them into their respective bores because old Lash Adjusters may be reused if one is not installing new cams together with new Lash Adjusters too as was mentioned above or which case always follows after changing some worn out stock ones Finally, do everything else you did back but change oil before starting engine and put another filter.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install the Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on 2.2L four cylinder engine on GMC Sonoma? Posted by Customer
    Before taking out the camshaft, measure the lobe lift to ascertain the extent of cam lobe wear. Put number one piston at TDC on compression stroke. Then open the rocker arm nuts by loosening up the valve cover to access pushrods. A dial indicator should be set up on the engine and a plunger placed against the top of the first pushrod. Zeroing will then follow and this can be done by turning crankshaft slowly in the normal direction of rotation until it reaches its maximum lobe lift position which shows that it has fully opened. Note down this measurement and repeat for other valves. If cam lobes have been worn down below specified limits, mount a new camshaft. To test for noisy lash adjuster, use a mechanic's stethoscope or a length of hose near each valve while listening for excessive clearance in valvetrain. Any defective lash adjuster is identified through noise produced. This requires removing cylinder head to remove lash adjusters. The removal tool used may either be magnet or scribe but lash adjuster guides help in separating them from the cylinder head. These are then washed and checked whether they have score marks, uneven wear and scuffing too. In addition, inspect rollers for damage or wear and replace them if necessary. To pull out a camshaft one should remove front cover with timing chains as well as sprockets on them; there will also need removal bolts together with oil pump drive as well as thrust plate of camshaft before you carefully withdraw it from block after which bearing journals are cleaned and examined for any destructions; size of bearing journals and camshaft lobes measured where obvious inspection of lobes revealing discoloration, score marks, chipped areas pitting, deformation etcetera indicates that they can no longer serve while some other good conditions along with correct measurements will allow further utilization thus lubricating these components such as bearing journal alongside their respective lobes through assembly lube should be done in a way that it easily slides into the engine after which thrust plate is put back with its bolts tightened while oil pump drive is reinstalled thus where lash adjusters are still intact, they may be reinstalled at their original locations and then coated using assembly lube. On the other hand, lash adjuster bores are also lubricated by engine oil prior to installing them whereby; pushrods as well as pushrod guides should be positioned while rocker arms together with rocker arm retaining nuts are tightened.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install the Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on 2.2L four cylinder engine on Chevrolet S10? Posted by Customer
    Before taking out the camshaft, measure the lobe lift to ascertain the extent of cam lobe wear. Put number one piston at TDC on compression stroke. Then open the rocker arm nuts by loosening up the valve cover to access pushrods. A dial indicator should be set up on the engine and a plunger placed against the top of the first pushrod. Zeroing will then follow and this can be done by turning crankshaft slowly in the normal direction of rotation until it reaches its maximum lobe lift position which shows that it has fully opened. Note down this measurement and repeat for other valves. If cam lobes have been worn down below specified limits, mount a new camshaft. To test for noisy lash adjuster, use a mechanic's stethoscope or a length of hose near each valve while listening for excessive clearance in valvetrain. Any defective lash adjuster is identified through noise produced. This requires removing cylinder head to remove lash adjusters. The removal tool used may either be magnet or scribe but lash adjuster guides help in separating them from the cylinder head. These are then washed and checked whether they have score marks, uneven wear and scuffing too. In addition, inspect rollers for damage or wear and replace them if necessary. To pull out a camshaft one should remove front cover with timing chains as well as sprockets on them; there will also need removal bolts together with oil pump drive as well as thrust plate of camshaft before you carefully withdraw it from block after which bearing journals are cleaned and examined for any destructions; size of bearing journals and camshaft lobes measured where obvious inspection of lobes revealing discoloration, score marks, chipped areas pitting, deformation etcetera indicates that they can no longer serve while some other good conditions along with correct measurements will allow further utilization thus lubricating these components such as bearing journal alongside their respective lobes through assembly lube should be done in a way that it easily slides into the engine after which thrust plate is put back with its bolts tightened while oil pump drive is reinstalled thus where lash adjusters are still intact, they may be reinstalled at their original locations and then coated using assembly lube. On the other hand, lash adjuster bores are also lubricated by engine oil prior to installing them whereby; pushrods as well as pushrod guides should be positioned while rocker arms together with rocker arm retaining nuts are tightened.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install the Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on 2.2L four cylinder engine on GMC Jimmy? Posted by Customer
    Before taking out the camshaft, measure the lobe lift to ascertain the extent of cam lobe wear. Put number one piston at TDC on compression stroke. Then open the rocker arm nuts by loosening up the valve cover to access pushrods. A dial indicator should be set up on the engine and a plunger placed against the top of the first pushrod. Zeroing will then follow and this can be done by turning crankshaft slowly in the normal direction of rotation until it reaches its maximum lobe lift position which shows that it has fully opened. Note down this measurement and repeat for other valves. If cam lobes have been worn down below specified limits, mount a new camshaft. To test for noisy lash adjuster, use a mechanic's stethoscope or a length of hose near each valve while listening for excessive clearance in valvetrain. Any defective lash adjuster is identified through noise produced. This requires removing cylinder head to remove lash adjusters. The removal tool used may either be magnet or scribe but lash adjuster guides help in separating them from the cylinder head. These are then washed and checked whether they have score marks, uneven wear and scuffing too. In addition, inspect rollers for damage or wear and replace them if necessary. To pull out a camshaft one should remove front cover with timing chains as well as sprockets on them; there will also need removal bolts together with oil pump drive as well as thrust plate of camshaft before you carefully withdraw it from block after which bearing journals are cleaned and examined for any destructions; size of bearing journals and camshaft lobes measured where obvious inspection of lobes revealing discoloration, score marks, chipped areas pitting, deformation etcetera indicates that they can no longer serve while some other good conditions along with correct measurements will allow further utilization thus lubricating these components such as bearing journal alongside their respective lobes through assembly lube should be done in a way that it easily slides into the engine after which thrust plate is put back with its bolts tightened while oil pump drive is reinstalled thus where lash adjusters are still intact, they may be reinstalled at their original locations and then coated using assembly lube. On the other hand, lash adjuster bores are also lubricated by engine oil prior to installing them whereby; pushrods as well as pushrod guides should be positioned while rocker arms together with rocker arm retaining nuts are tightened.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How to remove and install Camshaft and Lash Adjuster on 4.3L V6 engine on Chevrolet S10? Posted by Customer
    Rocker arms can be pivoted away from the pushrods by removing the valve covers and loosening the rocker arm nuts before removal to measure camshaft lobe lift. The plunger on a dial indicator is to be positioned directly above the first pushrod, which is mounted on the engine. Disconnect the engine's electrical connectors from the distributor. Rotate the engine very slowly until it comes to rest with this pushrod sitting against its lowest point (base circle of camshaft lobe) then zero dial readout. As an effect of rotating crankshaft in normal direction indicator needle reaches its highest peak and starts reversing showing maximum cam lobe lift. Write this down and make check for all lobes comparing results obtained. If cam lobe lift is 0.003 inches less than specified, there will be a need for new camshaft installation since there has been a wear out of cam lobe. Also, remove fan shrouds, fan, radiator and condenser if applicable. Carefully remove them while properly labeling and storing before lifting off Lash Adjuster retainer. One must always be careful never to try to extract a camshaft with the Lash Adjusters left inside. Lash Adjuster removal from bores can also take different directions depending on what one wants to do next or how many Lash Adjusters are being replaced at once or maybe whether one has no other option but replace all of them because they are so bad that individual replacement would not solve anything here otherwise there could be no further discussion where others may simply call for removal with every other thing remaining intact Some other methods may include using tongs or pliers etc., By holding onto this chain while forcing it outwards (meaning our efforts are aimed at removing without damaging crankcase bearings which are located near bottom part). At this juncture, note carefully how two torx screws have been used here as well as appropriate directionality provided by manufacturer themselves. Three 6-inch long, 5/16-18 bolts can be threaded into the camshaft sprocket bolt holes to serve as handles when pulling on the camshaft, thus preventing any possible damage to bearings straight out. During an examination, there are several features that indicate damage in form of wear of cam lobes and bearing journals. Obtain a micrometer and take measurements of each cam journal's diameter and also determine height of every cam lobe using these results compared against appropriate tolerances. Should any journal have a diameter less than what it ought to be, then replace the particular camshaft. The procedure for changing these bearings is normally outsourced to automotive machine shops due to difficulties involved since they use specific tools and are manned by experts in this field. Once again, lubricate both camshaft bearing journals along with the cams lobes utilizing assembly lube meant for these parts, then gently slide it into block without damaging those sensitive lower ends of crankcase bearings near mounting points near crankcase face. As soon as position (dowel pin) after pivoting cylinder head in clockwise direction has been reached (that means 3 o'clock), lock it through tightening the thrust plate. By aligning dowel pins also confirming position of balancer shaft timing marks install balance shaft drive gear accordingly. Next, install the timing chain and gears in their right place using clean engine oil on Lash Adjusters when returning them into their respective bores because old Lash Adjusters may be reused if one is not installing new cams together with new Lash Adjusters too as was mentioned above or which case always follows after changing some worn out stock ones Finally, do everything else you did back but change oil before starting engine and put another filter.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    What are the steps for removing the camshaft for the 2005 Chevrolet Astro? Posted by Customer
    Disconnect the negative battery cable, remove the engine cover, detach the power steering reservoir, and remove the radiator, drivebelts, fan, air cleaner assembly, pushrod cover, EGR valve, and vacuum hoses. Then, remove the pushrods and lifters, detach the timing gear cover, distributor, and oil pump driveshaft, and take off the headlight bezels, grille, and bumper filler panel.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    What steps should be taken to remove the balance shaft for the 2000 Chevrolet Blazer? Posted by Customer
    Remove the two bolts and the balance shaft retainer at the front of the block, then use a slide-hammer threaded into the front of the balance shaft to knock it out.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    How should lifters be stored during the removal process for the 2013 Chevrolet Express? Posted by Customer
    Store the lifters in a clearly labeled box to maintain their original locations.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    What is the procedure for removing the balance shaft in V6 engines for the 2003 Chevrolet S10? Posted by Customer
    Remove the balance shaft gear bolt before the timing chain to hold the shaft while loosening the bolt.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    Can good used roller lifters be reinstalled with a new camshaft for the 2000 GMC Sonoma? Posted by Customer
    Yes, good used roller lifters can be reinstalled with a new camshaft.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    What should be inspected on the balance shaft drive gear and driven gear for the 1996 GMC Jimmy? Posted by Customer
    Inspect for signs of wear, pitting, broken teeth, or rough operation.
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist
    What are the specs on this camshaft? Posted by Customer
    This camshaft has factory specs
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist 8/7/2021
    Will this camshaft work on a 1994 Chevrolet S10 Blazer? Posted by Customer
    Yes, this camshaft will work on the 4.3L V6 motor
    Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist 8/7/2021
    If you have any questions about this product, please don't hesitate to ask us. We will be happy to help you!

Genuine GM Part 10241691, the Right Choice

To ensure reliability, purchase GM part # 10241691 Camshaft,Engine. It is sometimes referred to as Chevrolet Camshaft. Directly from GM, genuine parts are superb with regards to quality, longevity, and fit. Every single part passed stringent quality testing, so you can be sure that it's safe, durable, and built to perform like your original parts. This part fits specific Chevrolet Blazer, Silverado, Tahoe models. is a leading supplier of genuine GM parts and accessories such as GM 10241691 Camshaft,Engine. You're certainly in the right place if you're searching for the great cost-effective OEM GM parts. Look no further than our vast inventory of genuine GM parts offered at unbeatable online prices, all of which are backed by the manufacturer's warranty. Not to forget, our hassle-free return policy and quick delivery service ensure a smooth shopping experience for you. For detailed Chevrolet parts information, click here.

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