Q: What Should You Do in Case of a Blown Fuse on Oldsmobile Cutlass?
A: The car's electrical circuits are protected by fuses, circuit breakers, and fusible links. The fuse panel is located under the dashboard, on the left side of the vehicle, for easy access. Each fuse is designed to protect a specific circuit, and the circuits are labeled on the fuse panel. If an electrical component fails, check the fuse first. A blown fuse can be identified by inspecting the broken metal element inside the glass tube. Use plastic fuse pullers to remove and install fuses, avoiding metal objects. Install the correct fuse, as different circuits require different levels of protection indicated by the amperage rating. Do not bypass the fuse with metal or foil, as it can cause serious damage. If a replacement fuse immediately fails, do not replace it again until the cause of the problem, usually a short circuit caused by a broken or deteriorated wire, is found and fixed.