Q: How do you remove the Door Handle,Door Latch Assembly and Door Lock Cylinder?
A: To remove the door latch, remove the door trim panel and water shield, if it's the front door, remove the rear glass run channel, or if it's a sliding door, remove the door control assembly. Then, remove the screws securing the latch to the door and adjust the latch to disconnect the electrical connector (if equipped) and detach the rods, and latch assembly from the door. For installation, simply follow the reverse of the removal procedure. To remove the inside door handle, remove the door trim panel, and the water shield, drill out the rivet securing the inside door, detach the rods from the inside door handle, and remove the handle. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure. To remove the upper door latch striker from the rear side door, remove the striker mounting bolts and the striker. Installation is the reverse of removal.