When fitting a new camshaft or valve lifters, coat the cam lobes with camshaft installation lubricant. Begin by installing two 5/16 inch - 18 x 4 inch bolts in the camshaft bolt holes and lubricate the journals with engine oil. Carefully install the camshaft, ensuring the journals and cam lobes feed through the bearings to avoid damage, then remove the bolts once the camshaft is fully seated. Place the timing chain on the camshaft sprocket, aligning the marks on both the camshaft and crankshaft sprockets, and connect the chain to the crankshaft sprocket while aligning the camshaft dowel with the dowel hole in the sprocket before installing it. Draw the sprocket onto the camshaft using the attaching bolts without driving it on to prevent loosening the rear plug, then torque tighten the bolts. Lubricate the timing chain with engine oil. If not already done, pry out the old seal from the front of the front cover with a screwdriver, clean the seal housing, and install a new seal with the open end facing inside the cover, pressing it in carefully to avoid damaging the seal lips. Smear the front cover oil seal lips with engine oil. For small-block VB, ensure the block and crankcase front cover are clean, remove any protruding oil pan gasket material with a sharp knife, and apply a 1/8 inch bead of RTV sealant at the oil pan and block joint as well as the front lip of the oil pan. Coat the cover gasket with a non-setting sealant, position it on the cover, and loosely install the cover, starting with the top four bolts and then two 11 inch - 20 x 1/2 inch screws at the lower cover holes. Apply RTV sealant on the bottom of the cover, install it, and tighten the screws alternately and evenly while aligning the dowel pins. Remove the two 1/4 inch - 20 x 1/2 inch screws and install the remaining cover screws. For big-block VB, ensure the block and crankcase front cover are clean, cut the tabs from the new oil pan front seal, and install the seal to the front cover, pressing the tips into the holes. Coat the gasket with a non-setting sealant, position it on the cover, and apply a 1/8 inch bead of RTV sealant at the oil pan and block joint before installing and torque tightening the cover attaching screws. Install the fuel pump pushrod and the pump, followed by the water pump. Coat the front cover seal area of the torsional damper with engine oil, place the damper in position, and use a damper installer or a suitable bolt and spacers to draw the damper into position, then install and torque tighten the damper retaining bolt, taking care not to damage the damper. Finally, install the accessory drive pulley, fan shroud (and radiator if applicable), fan pulley, fan, and fan belt, adjusting the fan belt tension as needed.
Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist