To pull out the transaxle, unscrew the negative cable of the battery, plus drain the transaxle fluid as a way of preparation. In addition, lockout the Delco Loe II audio system if present. Then, you have to take off the air cleaner assembly, the mounting bracket, the MAF sensor if for V6 models and the air intake duct. For models with V6 engines remove the crossover bolts at the rear manifold and the front exhaust manifold bolts to lift the front manifold / crossover assembly. Disconnect the vent hose, unbolt the wire harness to the transaxle and disconnect the connectors of the speed sensor, TCC, starter safety switch and the back-up relieving light switch. Remove the transaxle throttle cable by disconnecting the cable from the throttle lever as well as the transaxle and disconnect the shift cable from the shift lever and bracket and you also loosen the bolt to unlock the dipstick tube. Attach an engine support fixture or if not available use a hoist or jack to jack up the engine in a way that will allow transaxle to be removed comfortably. Take out the top Transaxle to engine bolt then the rest of the engine to transaxle bolts. Lose the front wheel lug nuts, provide support to the vehicle by jack stands and then remove both front wheels. Undo the left splash shield, transaxle strut, if you have a V6 car, the lateral strut and transaxle brace bolts. Torque the driveaxle seal protectors to 36 ft/lbs, provide both driveaxles disconnected while raising the front end and remove left stabilizer bar link pin bolt and bushing clamp nuts. Loosen and take off the bolts of the left frame support and swing aside the support as well as take off the torque converter cover. Loosen the torque converter, align one of the drive studs, and come out the bolts of the torque converter-to-driveplate and transaxle cooler lines. Place some jack supporting the transaxle and if there are some parts of the car chassis or suspension get in the way, you have to remove them and ensure the wires and cables are not in the way. Sliding the bellhousing slowly and gently from the engine you should make sure the torque converter is disconnected, then lower the transaxle down from the left side of the engine compartment. At installation, the driveplate should be checked for damage, hoses and cables for problems, and transaxle oil cooler lines flushed if needed. Apply lubrication to the torque converter hub to guarantee proper interlocking with the input shaft in addition to the front pump. Lift the transaxle up but make sure it is upright, at the same time using the hoist to slide the right drive axal into the holder. Slide the transaxle forward until it engaged then install and torque the lower transaxle to engine bolts and then remove the jack. Screw in the transaxle-to-engine support bracket, locate the torque converter holes to those in the driveplate and screw in the torque converter-to-driveplate bolts. Replace the torque converter cover and cooler lines and the left driveaxle, reconnect the left frame support assembly, the stabilizer bar fasteners and any of the other suspension, or chassis part that was removed. The driveaxles should then be positioned in the transaxle and the driveaxle seal protectors removed; the splash shield should then be fitted. After that bolt the shift linkage bracket, both front wheels, then lower the car without supporting it on the jacks with the transaxle and engine. Last of all secure the upper transaxle-to-engine bolts, connect the shift cable, reconnect the wiring connectors, remove the engine support stand, install the dip stick and tube, connect the TV cable, install the transaxle vent hose, and for V6 engines replace the front exhaust manifold, crossover pipe and air cleaner assembly with a new air intake duct. Connect the negative terminal of the battery and new fill the gear box with fresh oil.
Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist