Loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the rear of the vehicle, and support it securely on jack stands while blocking the front wheels to prevent rolling. Release the parking brake and remove the wheel, ensuring that all four rear brake shoes are replaced simultaneously, but work on one brake assembly at a time to avoid mixing parts. Clean the brake assembly with brake cleaner and allow it to drip dry, avoiding the use of compressed air. Unhook the lower spring, remove the upper spring from the adjuster lever, and take out the adjuster lever and star-wheel assembly. Depress the front shoe retainer to remove the front brake shoe, then remove the rear shoe retainer and disconnect the parking brake lever from the rear shoe. After cleaning the backing plate, lubricate the contact points, crimp the clip to attach the new rear shoe to the parking brake lever, and install the pin through the backing plate and rear shoe. Use a special tool to compress the spring and engage the retainer, then repeat the procedure for the front brake shoe. Clean and lightly lubricate the star-wheel adjuster, install the star-wheel assembly with the star facing front, and install the adjuster lever, upper spring, and lower spring. Adjust the star-wheel for a very light drag when the brake drum is turned. If the brake drum cannot be easily removed, ensure the parking brake is fully released and retract the brake shoes if necessary. Before reinstalling the drum, check for cracks, score marks, deep scratches, and hard spots; if any issues are found, take the drum to an automotive machine shop for resurfacing. Install the brake drum on the axle flange, pump the brake pedal a few times, and adjust the star wheel until the shoes stop rubbing. Finally, install the wheel and lug nuts, lower the vehicle, tighten the lug nuts to the specified torque, make several forward and reverse stops, operate the parking brake to adjust the brakes, and carefully check the operation of the brakes before driving.
Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist