To remove the crankshaft pulley, first disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal and remove the drivebelt. Raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands, then remove the under-vehicle splash shield and the inner fender splash shield. If the crankshaft pulley is being removed as part of the timing chain or belt procedure, set the engine at TDC for cylinder no. 1. For 1.4L engines from 2015 and earlier, remove the drivebelt tensioner, rotate the engine until the hole in the crankshaft pulley aligns with the mark on the engine cover, and prevent the pulley from turning using a pin spanner while unscrewing the center bolt with a large ratchet or breaker bar. Discard the old bolt, slide the pulley off the crankshaft, and if replacing the crankshaft front oil seal, proceed accordingly. Lubricate the hub of the new pulley with clean engine oil, align it properly, and press it into position, ensuring the TDC markings align. Install a new bolt, immobilize the pulley, and tighten to the specified torque. For 2016 and later models, prevent engine rotation using the appropriate locking tool, remove the crankshaft center bolt, and pull the crankshaft pulley off using a special puller. Lubricate the inside of the new pulley and the crankshaft, align the notch with the key, and use a special installer tool to seat the pulley. Install a new bolt and tighten it securely. For 1.8L engines, if working on a model with a manual transaxle, remove the transaxle front mount, engage the flywheel locking tool, and unscrew the crankshaft pulley center bolt. Slide the pulley off, lubricate the hub of the new pulley, and install it with a new bolt, tightening it to the specified torque. To replace the crankshaft front oil seal, remove the crankshaft pulley, use a seal removal tool to pry out the old seal, clean the seal bore, and check for damage. Coat the lip of the new seal with clean engine oil and drive it into the bore until flush with the surface, ensuring the open side faces into the engine. Lubricate the sealing surface of the crankshaft pulley hub before reinstalling the pulley.
Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist