DO NOT use a "pickle fork" type balljoint separator as it may damage the balljoint seals. The steering linkage connects the steering gear to the front wheels, consisting of the Pitman arm, which moves the intermediate rod back-and-forth, supported by a frame-mounted idler arm. The motion is transmitted to the steering knuckles through tie-rod assemblies made up of inner and outer tie-rod ends, a threaded adjuster tube, and clamps. Begin by setting the wheels straight and locking the steering wheel, then raise one side of the vehicle and mount a dial indicator on the wheel's edge. Wiggle the wheel and note the reading; it should be less than 0.108-inch. If play exceeds this, inspect the linkage pivot points and ball studs for looseness. Raise the vehicle on jackstands and check the idler arm for excessive play by applying force; if movement exceeds 1/4-inch, replace the idler arm. Inspect for torn ball stud boots, frozen joints, and damaged components. For tie-rod removal, loosen the lug nuts, raise the vehicle, and remove the wheel. Remove the cotter pin and loosen the castellated nut from the ball stud, then use a two-jaw puller to separate the tie-rod end from the steering knuckle. Remove the inner tie-rod end similarly and measure the distance from the adjuster tube to the ball stud for proper installation of the new tie-rod end. Lubricate the threaded portion, install the new tie-rod end, and adjust to the measured dimension. Install the inner tie-rod end into the intermediate rod, tighten the nut, and connect the outer tie-rod end to the steering knuckle, securing it with a new cotter pin. Tighten the clamp nuts and install the wheel, lowering the vehicle and tightening the lug nuts. For the idler arm, raise the vehicle, loosen the idler arm-to-intermediate rod nut, and separate the idler arm using a puller. Remove the idler arm-to-frame bolts, install the new idler arm, and tighten the bolts. Insert the idler arm ball stud into the intermediate rod and secure it with a nut. For the intermediate rod, raise the vehicle, separate the inner tie-rod ends, and detach the intermediate rod from the Pitman arm and idler arm. Installation follows the reverse order, ensuring all nuts are tightened properly.
Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist