To remove the driveaxle, block the front wheels to prevent rolling, loosen the wheel lug nuts, raise the rear of the vehicle, and support it securely on jackstands before removing the wheels. For 2012 and later models, unstake the driveaxle/hub nut using a punch or small chisel before loosening it, ensuring not to use air tools for this process. For vehicles without ceramic brake discs, install a punch or drift inside the brake disc vanes, rotate the wheel until it contacts the caliper bracket, and apply the parking brake to hold the wheel in place while loosening the driveaxle/hub nut. If equipped with ceramic brake discs, apply the parking brake and have an assistant depress the brake pedal firmly while loosening the nut. Unscrew the driveaxle/hub nut with a socket and large breaker bar, discard the old nut, and release the parking brake. To loosen the driveaxle from the hub splines, tap the end with a soft-faced hammer, and if it is stuck, use a hub puller to break it loose. For 2008 and earlier models, disconnect the ABS wheel speed sensor, electronic suspension control sensor link, outer tie-rod end, and parking brake cable, securing the cable out of the way. Use a floor jack to separate the upper control arm ball joint from the knuckle, rotate the knuckle outward to remove the driveaxle from the hub, and carefully pry the inner end out of the differential. For 2009 and later models, remove the rear knuckle and then pry the inner end of the driveaxle out of the differential. For installation, apply a light film of grease to the inner CV joint stub shaft where the seal rides, insert the splined end into the differential ensuring the spring clip locks in place, and grease the outer CV joint splines and knuckle before inserting the outer end into the hub. The remainder of the installation follows the reverse order of removal, including installing a new driveaxle/hub nut and tightening it to the specified torque, staking the collar of the nut into the driveaxle groove for 2012 and later models. Finally, check the differential lubricant level if any fluid leaked during removal, and install the wheel and lug nuts before lowering the vehicle and tightening the lug nuts to the specified torque.
Posted by GMPartsGiant Specialist