Q: How to visually check spark plug wires and Distributor Cap while the engine is running?
A: Begin this procedure by visually checking the spark plug wires while the engine is running. In a darkened garage with ventilation, start the engine and observe each plug wire for arcing or sparks at damaged areas. If arcing is noticed, obtain new wires and check the distributor cap and rotor after allowing the engine to cool. Disconnect the negative battery cable and remove the distributor cap by releasing the holddown latches. Inspect the cap for cracks and corrosion on the contacts, removing deposits with a file if necessary. Examine the rotor for cracks, burning, and carbon tracks, replacing it if needed. Apply silicone lubricant to the contact inside the cap before reinstalling the cap and rotor. If the cap needs replacement, leave it off with the wires still connected. If the spark plug wires need replacement, obtain a new set along with a new cap and rotor. Check each wire individually, inspecting for corrosion, crimping the metal connector if necessary, and cleaning the entire length of the wire. Bend the wires to ensure flexibility. Check the wires at the distributor cap, reinstalling them securely. If the wires, cap, and rotor are in good condition, reconnect them at the distributor and battery. If new wires are required, obtain them along with a new cap and rotor. If a new cap is being installed on a coil-in-cap distributor, transfer the coil and cover from the old cap to the new one. Attach the coil to the new cap with a new seal and lubricate it. Attach the rotor to the distributor, ensuring proper installation of the carbon brush in the cap. Replace the wires one at a time, maintaining the correct firing order. Reattach the cap to the distributor and reconnect all wires and the battery cable.