Q: How do you replace a wheel stud on Pontiac Fiero?
A: Loosen but do not remove the rear wheel lug nuts, then raise the rear of the vehicle and support it on jackstands. Remove the tire and wheel assembly, followed by the brake caliper and disc. Next, remove the hub nut and the rear hub and bearing assembly along with the splash shield. Position a C-clamp over both ends of the stud with a socket between the head of the stud and the C-clamp, then turn the screw on the C-clamp bolt until the stud is pressed out of the hub flange into the socket. Insert the new stud through its hole in the flange, slip four washers over the stud, and install the wheel nut onto the stud with the flat side facing the flange, tightening it until the stud is seated. Remove the wheel nut and washers. If a C-clamp is unavailable, place the hub and bearing assembly in a vise and tap out the damaged stud with a brass hammer. Position the new wheel stud and tap it down with a drift and hammer until it seats in the bore. Install the hub and bearing assembly, followed by a new hub nut onto the end of the axleshaft. Install the brake disc and caliper, then the tire and wheel assembly, tightening the wheel lug nuts finger tight before lowering the vehicle and tightening the wheel lug nuts to the specified torque. For the front, loosen but do not remove the front wheel lug nuts, raise the front of the vehicle and support it on jackstands, then remove the tire and wheel assembly and the brake caliper. Remove the dust cap from the spindle, the cotter key, the spindle nut, and spacer washer, and carefully remove the wheel bearing without allowing it to drop. Remove the brake disc, then position a C-clamp over both ends of the stud with a socket between the head of the stud and the C-clamp, turning the screw until the stud is pressed out of the hub into the socket, taking care not to damage the rotor faces. Insert the new stud through the hole in the hub, slip four washers onto the stud, and install the wheel nut with the flat side facing the flange, tightening it until the stud is seated. If a C-clamp is not available, do not attempt to hammer the old stud out; instead, take the hub and disc assembly to a repair shop for pressing. Install the hub and tighten the nut, then install the wheel and hand tighten the wheel lug nuts before lowering the vehicle and tightening the wheel lug nuts to the specified torque.