Q: How do you remove and reinstall the components of the intake manifold in four cylinder engine on Pontiac Fiero?
A: To remove the components, first disconnect the cable from the negative battery terminal and remove the air cleaner assembly, tagging each hose with numbered or colored tape for easier installation. Relieve the fuel pressure and drain the cooling system. Remove the PCV valve and hose at the throttle body housing, then label and disconnect the fuel line fittings at the throttle body, removing the fuel filter bracket bolt underneath. Label and disconnect the vacuum lines and electrical leads from the fuel injection assembly. Disconnect the throttle cable from the throttle linkage by prying off the C-clip and popping off the linkage rod, noting its installation. If equipped with an automatic transmission, disconnect and remove the transaxle downshift linkage, and if cruise control is present, disconnect the linkage. Disconnect the heater hose fitting located on the underside of the intake manifold. Remove the forward strut rod through-bolt adjacent to the cylinder head, then remove the access plate in the top of the right fender well to access and remove the rear through-bolt, followed by the strut rod. Disconnect the alternator by removing the belt tensioning nut and bolt, then remove the alternator bracket. Disconnect the coil mounting nuts, coil lead, and coil wire, then remove the coil. Remove the intake manifold mounting bolts and separate the manifold from the cylinder head without prying to avoid damaging the gasket sealing surfaces. Remove the intake manifold gasket with a gasket scraper, ensuring no material remains on the mating surface. For installation, if replacing the intake manifold, transfer all components from the old manifold to the new one. Clean the cylinder head and manifold gasket surfaces, ensuring all gasket material and sealing compound are removed. Place a new intake manifold gasket on the manifold, hold it against the cylinder head, and install the mounting bolts finger tight. Tighten the mounting bolts gradually in the proper sequence to the specified torque, then push the electrical connectors back through the intake manifold. Install the alternator bracket, adjust the alternator belt tension, and install the strut rod with both through-bolts, tightening them to the specified torque before replacing the fender well through-bolt access plate. Place the TBI linkage rod into position and reattach the throttle cable, then reattach the heater hose fitting to the underside of the intake manifold. Reconnect the fuel feed and return lines, installing the fuel filter bracket mounting bolt, and reattach the PCV valve, elbow, and hose between the rocker arm cover and the TBI housing. Reattach the remaining vacuum lines and electrical connectors, install the coil assembly, and reconnect the coil lead and coil wire. Finally, install the air cleaner, fill the radiator with coolant, start the engine, and check for leaks.