Q: How to checked on the Distributor Cap and Spark Plug Wires when installing a new spark plug in the engine?
A: Whenever new Spark Plugs are installed in the engine, we should check the spark plug wires. In this case, you can start by observing the wires of the spark plugs with your eyes while the engine is on. Run the engine in a darkened garage while checking each wire carefully and keeping off any part of it that moves. You will observe arcing or a small spark around an area where there is a break in the wire. To avoid mixing up the wires, one should inspect them one at time. Label each original plug wire to determine its exact position. Disconnect the plug wire from the spark plug. Use a removal tool for this purpose or just hold onto the rubber boot, twist it half way round and then pull it off clean. Check inside for corrosion. The boot should be pushed back onto the end of the spark plug along with the wire. It should fit snugly on this end of plug. Use a clean rag to wipe down entire length of wire removing any built-up dirt or grease present thereon. While wiping wire clean, check for burns, cracks, or other damage which may have occurred over time. Disconnecting it from distributor is quite important thing to do at this stage if you want to prevent further issues concerning corrosion and a tight fit as well. Make sure all remaining spark plug wires are firmly attached to both distributor and each sparking plug when you inspect them again after that other initial checkup is done there by an individual who has his own vehicle maintenance shop in addition paying frequent visits to some local mechanic's place too. Where applicable, purchase a set of new spark plug cables for your model engine type from retail shops out there on market places around town; typically these packages come with pre-cut wires already installed into their respective boots so no additional cutting would be needed thus reducing chances of making errors on proper placement within firing sequence arrangement order among various engines like but not limited by Chevy Malibu 2007, 4.3liter engine size; s10 Chevy 1991, 5.0liter engines sizes, etc. Consequently, the wires should be taken off one by one for replacement to ensure no mistakes are made concerning firing order. You can loosen the two phillips retaining screws to remove the distributor cap. Inside the distributor cap, cracks as well as carbon tracks and worn out or burned contacts can be seen on a quick glance through it. Check the rotor of the distributor shaft for any signs of cracks or carbon tracks by pulling it off and inspecting it. Defective cap and rotor parts have to be replaced with good ones before placing them back in their respective positions. When replacing the spark plug wires, many individuals will prefer using a new cap and rotor accordingly thus this being an industry standard process as well in such cases too which involves removing one wire at a time from old caps connection points on top surface of an engine while firmly attaching each wire into exactly similar position over brand new caps installed at last without interfering fire sequence within cylinder head systems.