A: To remove the airbag module and steering wheel, start by turning off the ignition and disconnecting the battery. Wait for at least two minutes before proceeding. Turn the steering wheel so that the wheels are pointing straight ahead. Use a long, thin screwdriver to release the airbag module retaining spring by inserting it through the holes in the backside of the steering wheel. Gently pull the airbag module away from the wheel on both sides. Pry up the connector locks and disconnect the airbag module electrical connectors. Set the airbag aside in a safe area. Remove the steering wheel bolt and then remove the steering wheel. If necessary, remove the airbag clockspring by removing the steering column covers, the clockspring retaining screws, and disconnecting the electrical connectors. To install, ensure that the front wheels are facing straight ahead. Turn the hub of the clockspring clockwise until it becomes harder to turn, then rotate it counterclockwise and count the turns until the same resistance is met. Rotate the clockspring back to half that number of turns to center it. Install the clockspring, making sure the hub doesn't rotate in relation to the housing. The rest of the installation is the reverse of removal. Tighten the steering wheel bolt to the proper torque specifications and then install the airbag module.