Q: How to remove and reinstall the oil pan on 2.2L four cylinder engine?
A: The manufacturer recommends that the oil pan only be removed with the engine out of the vehicle. Remove the bolts and detach the oil pan. Don't pry between the block and pan or damage to the sealing surfaces may result and oil leaks could develop. If the pan is stuck, dislodge it with a block of wood and a hammer. Note: Some of the fasteners are studs. Before removing them, make a mark on the pan to indicate their location for reassembly. Use a scraper to remove all traces of sealant from the pan and block, then clean the mating surfaces with lacquer thinner or acetone. Install a new rubber half-circle seal to the rear main bearing cap. Apply a thin coat of RTV sealant to the ends of the rubber seal, where it fits into the main bearing cap. Apply a 3/16-inch wide by 1/8-inch thick bead of RTV sealant around the oil pan flange and the front circle of the pan, where it contacts the timing chain cover. Install the oil pan and tighten the mounting bolts. Start at the center of the pan and work out toward the ends in a spiral pattern. The remainder of installation is reverse of removal. Reinstall the engine and lower the vehicle. Install a new filter and add oil to the engine, then start the engine and check for leaks.
Q: How to remove and install the oil pan on 4.3L V6 engine?
A: In order to remove and install the oil pan, the procedure is different for each model year as well as the drivetrain. To start with 1994 and 1995 4WD models, you should disconnect negative battery cable and drain oil. Starter motor needs to be removed as well as two engine-to-bellhousing braces and lower part of bellhousing cover. Exhaust pipes must be separated from the manifolds. Oil pan mounting bolts/nuts are removed carefully noting location of studs and brackets. Slowly separate pan from block without prying so as not to damage sealing surfaces. Sealing surface distortion on oil pan flange can also be checked if any. New gasket is attached to pan with RTV sealant applied after cleaning gasket surfaces and carefully positioning it against block. Bolts/nuts are tightened in three steps starting at center and following a spiral pattern outwards. Engine removal may be needed for 2WD models (especially those with cast-aluminum oil pans) while 4WD models can use raised engine, which could mean that they will need to remove the engine first before accessing it fully in case there is a cast-aluminum oil pan involved. After removing bolts separate the pan carefully without using a pry tool, clean gasket surfaces, apply RTV sealant. Aligning the pan properly with the block, checking clearances when necessary then tightening of the bolts/studs holding it down in sequence. Complete remaining steps in reverse order; start engine; check for leakages at the pan before engaging gear.