Q: How do I remove the rear brake shoes on Chevrolet Express and GMC Savana?
A: To remove the rear brake shoes, start by loosening the wheel lug nuts and raising the vehicle's rear. Support it securely on jackstands and block the front wheels to prevent rolling. Release the parking brake and remove the wheel. It's important to note that all four rear brake shoes must be replaced at the same time, so work on one brake assembly at a time to avoid mixing up parts. Once the wheel is removed, take off the brake drum. Before beginning any work, clean the brake shoe assembly with brake system cleaner. To reinstall the drum, check for any cracks, score marks, deep scratches, or hard spots. If any of these conditions exist, the drum must be resurfaced. Install the brake drum on the axle flange and use a screwdriver inserted through the adjusting hole to turn the adjuster star wheel. This will ensure that the brake shoes drag on the drum as it rotates. Then, back off the star wheel until the shoes no longer drag. Reinstall the plug in the drum. Mount the wheel, install the lug nuts, and lower the vehicle. Finally, tighten the lug nuts to the proper torque specifications. To adjust the brakes, make several forward and reverse stops and operate the parking brake until satisfactory pedal action is achieved. Before driving the vehicle, carefully check the operation of the brakes.