Q: How do you remove the Expansion Valve on Chevrolet Corvette?
A: There are several ways that air conditioning systems convert high-pressure liquid refrigerant to lower-pressure vapor, with the conversion taking place at the air conditioning evaporator. As the refrigerant passes through the evaporator, it chills the evaporator and cools the airflow for delivery to the vents. This conversion is typically achieved through a sudden change in tubing size, and many vehicles have a removable controlled orifice in one of the air conditioning pipes at the firewall. In 2004 and earlier models, a fixed orifice tube is used instead of an A/C expansion valve. For 2005 and later models, the A/C expansion valve can be removed by discharging the air conditioning system, disconnecting the refrigerant lines, removing the valve bolts, and replacing all O-rings before reconnecting the lines. The installation process is the reverse of removal, and it is important to have the system evacuated, recharged, and leak tested.