Q: How do you properly reinstall a intake manifold in V6 engine on Chevrolet Caprice?
A: If equipped with a 229 cubic inch V6, upon re-installation, ensure the attaching bolts are torque-tightened to the specifications listed for V6. Begin by disconnecting the battery ground cable, draining the radiator, and removing the air cleaner. Next, disconnect the upper radiator hose and heater hose at the manifold, followed by the accelerator linkage at the carburetor, the linkage bracket at the manifold, and the cruise control chain if applicable. Disconnect the booster vacuum pipe at the manifold, the fuel line at the carburetor (plugging the line and catching any spillage), the transmission vacuum modulator line if applicable, the idle solenoid if applicable, distributor wires (marking each wire with pieces of tape for ease of reassembly), the temperature sending unit wire, vacuum hoses from the distributor, TVS, and EFE valve pipe at the carburetor (marking hoses with tape), and the coolant by-pass hose at the manifold. Remove the distributor cap, mark the rotor position, and remove the rotor to access the left intake manifold special six-lobed socket head bolt, which should be removed with GM tool J-24394 or equivalent. Remove the accelerator linkage springs and compressor top bracket if applicable, followed by the remaining intake manifold bolts (there are 10). Lift the intake manifold complete with carburetor from the engine without prying on the mating edges to avoid damage. If replacing the intake manifold with a new one, transfer the carburetor and its attaching bolts, temperature or oil sending unit, water outlet and thermostat (using a new gasket), EGR valve (using a new gasket), heater hose, and water pump hose adapter fillings, as well as the carburetor choke assembly. Before installing the manifold, cover the engine cavity with lint-free rags and clean the engine block cylinder heads and manifold gasket surfaces, ensuring all old gasket material and sealing compound are removed. Place the new intake manifold gasket and rubber manifold seal in position at the front and rear rails of the cylinder block, ensuring the pointed end of the seal fits snugly against the block and head, and apply RTV or equivalent sealant to the ends of the seals before installing the manifold. Carefully set the manifold in place, locating it on the engine block dowel pins, and install the manifold-to-cylinder head attaching bolts, starting with the number 1 and number 2 bolts, gradually tightening these two until snug, then installing the rest of the bolts in sequence and tightening them to the torque specifications. Connect or re-install the components in the reverse order of removal, reconnect the battery cable, close the drain plug, and refill the cooling system. Finally, start the engine, check for leaks, and adjust the ignition timing and carburetor idle as necessary.