Q: How do I remove and replace the steering wheel and clockspring in Cadillac DeVille and DTS?
A: To remove the steering wheel, start by parking the vehicle with the wheels pointing straight ahead and disconnecting the battery. Disable the airbag system and then remove the airbag module by either removing the screws on 1999 OeVille models or using screwdrivers to release the retaining posts on other models. Lift the airbag module away from the steering wheel and disconnect the electrical connectors before removing the steering wheel nut and using a steering wheel puller to remove the wheel. For installation, make sure the airbag clockspring is centered and align the marks on the shaft and steering Wheel Hub. Tighten the steering wheel nut and, if applicable, the airbag retaining screws. Install the airbag module and enable the airbag system. To replace the clockspring, remove the steering column covers if necessary and remove the snap-ring retaining the clockspring to the steering shaft. Carefully withdraw the clockspring harness and connector through the steering column, using a wire or string to make the installation easier. Follow the specific instructions for your clockspring model to center it and then install it onto the steering column, making sure the block tooth on the steering shaft is at the 12 o'clock position. Finally, install the steering wheel and airbag and enable the airbag system.